Friday, 18 January 2013

MORE January Sale Buys!

The longer the January sale go on the higher the reductions get, good for us! Obviously though the choice of items does get really limited, but there are still some great bargains to be had so keep looking!

These great bargains are from Wilkinsons -

This seed sorter was only £1! It was the only one left and no one knew how much it was meant to be, as it was on the '£1 shelf' I got it for £1. I am getting into growing my own vegetables, so this will be very useful in the Spring.

This Christmas Cupcake Set was 50p! It includes cupcake cases and little Christmas characters to put into cupcakes.

I also bought these two sets of soaps, they were only 25p each! They will make excellent little presents :)

This lovely lace high waisted skirt was from H&M, it was in the sale from £19.99 to £10. But when I went to buy it, it scanned at £7 and then I had a £5 off voucher, so I ended up paying just £2!

Sainsbury's has had quite a good sale on their Christmas stock, I have struggled to actually find anything that I wanted though. You'll probably think I'm mad but I've bought 4 jars of Mincemeat at 10p each! They aren't out of date until 2014, so they will be perfect next Christmas, just need to find a place to store them now! Here's what else I've bought from Sainsbury's:

These cute paper plates were only 10p.

These napkins (my other half wasn't keen and i'm undecided but they'll do the job!) were also 10p.

Boots is a great shop to look out for bargains, they often have a shelf on the end of an aisle, tucked away in a corner of the shop, with loads of reduced items on. As a bargain hunter I always head straight to this shelf when I go to Boots, also always look at the price of items on the shelf because sometimes items are reduced but it isn't advertised very clearly. This is what I've bought recently from these areas:

Essie nail varnish for only £2! I couldn't believe it when I saw this on the reduced shelf, there isn't anything wrong with it and it's a current colour (gold, silvery, glittery colour). This is my first Essie nail varnish, my nail varnish collection is going up in the world! haha

'Sanctuary Professional Trim and Tone Body Wrap' was on the shelf as normal but on the price tag it said it was reduced from £25.63 to £6.63, so I bought two! Again, nothing wrong with it so not sure why it was reduced but it looks like it could be a useful product. It's a body wrap with bandages, clay, measuring tape and record card. I haven't looked at it in detail yet but I think you cover yourself in the clay mix, wrap yourself in the bandages and wait an hour. When you take them off and wash off the clay you can lose up to 5cm! If it's that easy then this is my new favourite product! I have always been interested in the wraps you can get done at salons and spas but they are very expensive so have never had one done. But if this product works this could be my best bargain buy of 2013, at only £6.63. I will try it out and write a blog review on how it works, so keep an eye out for the results! that's an update on my January Bargains :)

Have you got any great bargains yet this year?

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