Saturday, 23 July 2016

TODDLER STYLE: A week of outfits #51

So summer has mostly definitely arrived this's been so hot! I'm not the biggest fan of the heat and the added stress of work and keeping Isabella cool enough has meant it's been a rather exhausting week. The tantrums seemed to have dwindled off at the moment (touch wood) and it's been so lovely creating happy, smiling memories together again. I really am very lucky to have the life I have and sometimes it's nice to stop and appreciate the small things. 

Day 1

Floral cord dungaree dress - JoJo Maman Bebe - similar here
White lace collar vest - H&M - £3
Dotty tights - Mothercare - similar here

Day 2

Romper suit - GAP - similar here
Turquoise cardigan - Next - £8.50

Day 3

Anchor dress - H&M - £1.99
Sandals - Primark - £3

How's your week been?

Feel free to leave a comment :)

Helen x
This Mama Life


  1. That Gap romper is adorable, perfect for this weather x

  2. I love that gap romper, and Clem also has the anchor print H&M dress. Perfect for the weather. x #weekendtotstyle

  3. Yay for summer but I feel ya on the tantrum front - these toddlers!! Such little divas. Loving all the outfits this week (as always). The GAP romper is adorable and the Primark sandals are amazing! Thanks for linking up with us on #weekendtotstyle :)

  4. I am loving the GAP romper, its adorable! Thank you for sharing #WeekendtotStyle


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