Tuesday, 17 March 2020

CHILDREN: 140 Indoor Activities for Hours of Entertainment

CHILDREN: 140 Indoor Activities for Hours of Entertainment
There are so many reasons why we may need to stay indoors with our children, whether it be wet weather, a cosy weekend, illness or the current pandemic of Coronavirus. The idea of staying indoors with children for a prolonged period of time can be quite a daunting prospect, but in an aim to help parents I have put together 140 ideas for indoor activities. These will keep you busy for hours, days, if not weeks and can easily be combined with more educational activities too. There are opportunities to practice fine motor skills, be creative, learn new skills and simply have fun, which is really important for children, but especially with the current concerns, unknowns and changes.

To make it easier to search, and so that you can cater the activities to your child's interests, I have split the indoor activities up into different categories. Some days I just don't fancy messy crafts, so I'll choose something from the games or quiet time categories. I have found that having all of the activities in one place makes planning ahead quicker for each day. Also, there are activities for a range of ages from babies/toddlers all the way to the end of primary school with the aim of catering for families with a range of ages.

140 Indoor Activities for Children
1.  Ice-Cream Potato Stamping - very similar to the activity linked, but instead of making party bags you can fill large sheets of paper or make some bunting ready for summer.
21. Make Paper Aeroplanes
22. Salt Painting 
23. Sponge Stamping
24. Salt Dough
25. Finger Painting 
26. Make Your Own Bookmarks 
27. Make Friendship Bracelets 
28. Pet Rocks
29. Make a Bird Feeder
30. Decorate a T-Shirt with Fabric Pens
31. Sock Puppets 
32. Make a Scrapbook
33. Put together a Time Capsule 
34. Paint Leaves 
35. Button Art
36. Colour in a Colouring Book
37. Make a Cardboard Castle
38. Tissue Box Monsters 
39. Toilet Roll Butterfly
40. Stamp with Vegetables and Fruit

1. Play I Spy
2. Play Board Games
3. Hide and Seek
4. Bingo
5. Charades
6. Musical Chairs
7. Card Games
8. Musical Statues 
9. Make Your Own Game Up
10. Do a Puzzle
11. Keep the Balloon Up
12. Dominos 
13. Indoor Scavenger Hunt 
14. Noughts and Crosses 
15. Memorise the Tray Game
16. Snap
17. Happy Families 

Quiet Time
2. Apps on a Tablet
3. Read a Book
4. Teddy Bear's Picnic
5. Drawing
6. Learn to Draw a New Animal
7. Learn to Knit
8. Learn a New Card Game
9. Watch a Movie
10. Listen to Music
11. Do Cosmic Yoga on YouTube
12. Learn to Sew
13. Write a Story

1. Make Playdoh
2. Make Rainbow Rice
3. Build a Den
4. Make Slime
5. Put on a Fashion Show
6. Have a Dance Party
7. Put on a Show
8. Make a Treasure Hunt
9. Build an Obstacle Course
10. Make Ice-Cream in a Bag
11. Have a Disco Bath
12. Make Faces on Pizzas 
13. Sort through Toys and Clothes ready to Donate to Charity 
14. Build something with Lego
15. Indoor Bowling
16. Give Dolls/Cars/Toys a Bath
17. Write a Journal 
18. Set up a Restaurant
19. Have an Indoor Living Room Picnic
20. Build a Tower with Blocks
21. Invent a Phonic Game
22. Go on a Shape Hunt
23. Word Hunt

What are your favourite activities to do indoors?

Feel free to leave a comment - I love reading every single one :)

Helen x


  1. Your timing is perfect - I will absolutely need these. Pinning them for later! Thank you. Xx

  2. Perfect timing, lots of great activities here

  3. This post is amazing! Such great ideas and well needed right now with schools closing. I especially love the idea of painting wooden spoons to go along with books

  4. Wow these are some fantastic ideas and so many of them too - thanks so much for sharing! We love being creative and baking so will do some of these

    Laura x

  5. With the prospect for being stuck indoors for a bit longer, this is such a helpful post. Will definitely be trying some of these

  6. I'm excited to try some of these ideas!


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